Monday, March 16, 2020

Virtual Learning and our Joke of the week

I know as a teacher and a mom, much of my time lately has been spent worrying about the many changes that we are facing as a community, school and country.  As your student's Digital Literacy teacher, my job is to make the virtual learning that we will be doing as stress free as possible. I will be posting answers to common questions here on my blog, but also  know that I am available for questions during my posted office hours of 9-10 am daily in 
Google Meet and by email throughout the day.  

My office hours are pre-scheduled, and your student will be able to follow the link that I will share in Google Classroom to access me during my office hours each day. Additionally, all of the classroom work that I will be sharing will be through Google Classroom.  Your student has been using Google Classroom for my class since the beginning of the quarter, and will be using the same classroom for virtual learning.  

On Thursday, I will be introducing our final project for Digital Literacy.  The last day of the quarter is two days after our scheduled Spring Break.  The students were working with different types of Coding last week, but because of equipment that we were using that we no longer have access to,  we will be ending our Coding unit and grades will be based on the wonderful work that your students have already done on their final projects. 

The final project for Digital Literacy is a Food Truck project. Students will be using the Design Process to plan and create a Food Truck concept.  The slideshow that I have shared includes videos and examples.  It may take several days to work through the entire slideshow.  I encourage you to think together on the concept, logo and menu items for your student's food truck!  Sharing ideas together will make the project more fun.  

Again, please let me know if you have any questions about anything-I am here to support you and your student throughout this entire process. 

I always post a joke of the week in my classroom, so instead of having our joke on our whiteboard, I will be posting our jokes here!  This week's joke:

Why is March the most popular month to use a trampoline?
Answer: It’s spring-time!

I said I posted jokes, I didn't say they were funny...stay safe and be well!