Thursday, March 14, 2019

March-ing on towards spring with Apps!

It has again been busy these past few weeks, and I realized that I had not posted an update on our 6th Grade Digital Literacy classes in more than a month!  While I am not sure how that much time passed, there are many things to share with everyone!

Now that we are past our Algorithm work, we have been exploring MIT App Inventor through tutorials that we have been working on in our flexible classroom groups.  If you are interested in looking at the platform that your students are working in, the link for MIT App Inventor is here.  The students have been very involved in creating an app that you can doodle with, an app that you can program to talk to you, and another simple game app that involves a ball bouncing around the screen.  

I think that your student will tell you that getting to this point has been challenging.  Between logging into two different sites at once, connecting tablets through a code, and downloading a companion app on our Chromebooks, there has been more than enough opportunities for trouble-shooting and problem-solving with technology!  I appreciate the patience that the students have showed, and how they have been working together to help each other out. 

This week, we will be starting to build a Germ Fighter app using our PLTW instructions.  The students will have parts of the app already built for them, and they will work together to create the rest of the app during class.  For this lesson, students will be able to work at their own pace to complete the project. If your student needs any additional help from me, I am more than happy to work out a time after school, during Norski Time, or even during lunch/recess to help.  Sometimes, a little one-on-one time can help make the projects go better during class.

As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.  I am here to help in any way that I can!