Tuesday, October 2, 2018

It's hard to believe that October is here! Last week, all the students shared their finished posters that they created in Canva.  The posters will be printed and displayed in our room for the remainder of the semester.  Some of the posters turned out really well, and I am very proud of the work the students did!  Not only did they learn a new program, Canva, they were able to use it to express some of their likes and dislikes. Grades for the posters will be posted in Skyward late this week and into next week, as well as behavior grades for September. 

Last week, we started a project on STEM careers, or as we learned in class, Science Technology, Engineering and Math careers.   The students filled out a career clusters survey to figure out which cluster of jobs they are most interested in, and from there, they chose a career.  This week, we will be researching our careers and putting that information into a mock "Facebook" profile of their job and what they will be doing at their job 20 years in the future.  I am excited to see what the students come up with! 

As always, you are welcome to call or email me with any questions that you might have.  I am more than happy to help!