Friday, October 26, 2018

We had a short but fun and productive week!  We finished up our Digital Citizenship Infographics that we are creating in Canva, and in small groups, the students shared their ideas on what makes a Responsible, Respectful and Safe Digital Citizen.  As a whole class, we combined our ideas and created a Digital Citizenship Contract.  The contracts included many great ideas such as "We will not plagiarize" or "We will not Cyberbully."  I have included a photo of a couple of our contracts below.  The students did a great job of sharing.

This week, we also played a game called Quizlet Live using the Digital Citizenship unit vocabulary that we have been learning, such as fair use, citation, wireless fidelity, plagiarism, and ethical.  The students worked in teams of 3 or 4 to beat their classmates as they matched vocabulary with their definitions.  Everyone had a great time and we will be playing again this coming week!

Thank you to everyone that stopped by and visited during conferences.  I loved meeting everyone in person, and it was great to share what we have been working on.  If you were not able to meet with me during conferences and would still like to visit, feel free to email or call to set up a time.  Generally, I am at the school each day until 4 or 4:30.