Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Off to a great start...

We are starting in on our second week of Digital Literacy, and we are already off to a great start.  The students have been exploring graphic design in Canva, while creating a poster that shares a few things about who they are.  Canva is an online graphic design program that the students will be able to use throughout the quarter, and is also a great resource for other classes!  There are many different templates and graphics to use in Canva that go well beyond what you can do in Google Slides or Docs.

Thank you to everyone that sent donations for our class!  We all appreciate having the pencils, Legos, ziplock bags and containers.  It helps us keep our classroom running smoothly. 

I just wanted to share a reminder about Teacher's Conferences that are coming up towards the end of this month. I will be available from 3:30-7:30 in my room on both nights on February 25-26 for conferences.  Because I teach both 5th and 6th grade students, there can sometimes be a line to chat.  If you would like a particular time for conferences, please let me know in advance and I can make sure to block off that time.  I will be sending out an email to you later this week with options for conferences.

As always, please reach out with any questions that you may have!